Program Topics
ICONO 2013 Topics
1. Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics and Novel Phenomena
Co-Chairs: Andrius Baltuska (Technical Univ. of Vienna, Austria), Alexei Zheltikov (Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia)
Topics include, but are not limited to fundamental aspects of nonlinear optics; novel nonlinear-optical effects and scenarios; new nonlinear-optical systems and materials; supercontinuum generation and multioctave, microwave-to-X-ray optical waveforms; extreme UV and X-ray generation; nonlinear optics in the mid-IR; systems with enhanced optical nonlinearities; high-resolution nonlinear-optical microscopy; nonlinear-optical standoff detection; local-field effects; frequency-comb spectroscopy; near-field and subwavelength nonlinear optics; nonlinear optics in chemistry, biology, and geosciences.
2. Nonlinear Space-Time Dynamics, Instabilities, and Patterns
Co-Chairs: Claudio Conti (Univ. Sapienza, Italy), Nikolay Rosanov (Research Inst. for Laser Physics, Russia)
Topics include, but are not limited to, pattern formation in optical systems, novel optical systems for nonlinear dynamics such as quantum dot lasers, hybrid devices, microlasers, fiber lasers; complex dynamics of nonlinear optical systems such as lasers or OPOs; instabilities in semiconductor lasers by injected signal, optical feedback, or multimode dynamics; nonlinear optics in disordered systems and Anderson localization; cavity and dissipative solitons, temporal solitons and light bullets, chaos and synchronization; optical rogue and shock waves; non-diffracting and accelerating beams.
3. Quantum and Atom Optics
Co-Chairs: Victor Balykin (Inst. of Spectroscopy, Russia), Arno Rauschenbeutel (Technical Univ. of Viena, Austria)
Topics include, but are not limited to, cavity and circuit quantum electrodynamics, generation and properties of nonclassical light, squeezing and entanglement in quantum system, quantum dots, NV centers, laser control of atomic particle motion; cooling and trapping, degenerate quantum gases, precision measurement and metrology with cold atoms or ions; atom optics and lithography, opto-mechanics and nano-optics, hybrid quantum systems.
4. Quantum Physics, Information, and Technologies
Co-Chairs: Leong-Chuan Kwek (National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore), Alexey Taichenachev (Laser Physics Inst., Russia)
Topics include, but are not limited to, generation, characterization and application of squeezed, entangled, and other non-classical states; quantum measurement and control; quantum feedback; quantum sensors and quantum metrology; quantum imaging, quantum memories; single-photon sources and detectors; quantum communication and cryptography; quantum information processing; quantum repeaters; quantum error correction, fault-tolerant architectures, and other approaches to decoherence suppression; fundamental studies of decoherence, quantum measurement theory, and quantum statistical mechanics; novel quantum algorithms and protocols.
5. High-Field Physics and Attoscience
Co-Chairs: Mikhail Fedorov (Prokhorov General Physics Inst., Russia), Victor Malka (Ecole Politechnique, France)
Topics include, but are not limited to, high-peak power lasers and high-intensity laser-matter interactions; recent progress in terawatt to petawatt lasers and the amplification of few cycle pulses. Laser technology for fusion and laser based EUV and X-ray sources will also be discussed. Strong field laser science includes interactions with atoms, molecules, clusters, and plasmas, strong field quantum electrodynamics. Advances in attosecond science will be highlighted with high harmonic generation, high-field rescattering physics, relativistic nonlinear phenomena, intense pulse propagation, plasmas in ultrahigh fields, and laser based particle acceleration; interaction of attosecond pulses with atoms and molecules; ultrafast molecular imaging and dynamics in a gas phase.
6. Nano-Optics and Plasmonics
Co-Chairs: Alexandra Boltasseva (Purdue Univ., USA), Andrey Fedyanin (Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia)
Topics include, but are not limited to, optics with sub-wavelength resolution; linear and nonlinear spectroscopy of nanostructures, single atoms, and molecules in solid hosts; near-field optics; nanocavities and nanoapertures; light in confined structures; nanolithography; coupled nanosystems (photonic dots, quantum dots, and quantum dot inside of a photonic dot); plasmon/polariton optics; ultrafast plasmonics and plasmonic sensing; plasmonic nanolasers.
7. Physics of Metamaterials and Complex Media
Co-Chairs: Yuri Kivshar (Australian National Univ., Australia), Vasily Klimov (Lebedev Physical Inst., Russia)
Topics include, but are not limited to, photonic bandgaps; metamaterials and structures with negative refractive index, plasmonic nanomaterials; graphene plasmonics and graphene metamaterials; optical nonlinearities in photonic nanostructures; slow light in optical structures; optical nanocavities; chaotic optics; multiple light scattering and lasing in random media; Anderson localization of light, novel effects in metamaterials and complex media.
8. Ultrafast Phenomena and High-Precision Measurements
Co-Chairs: Eric Cormier (Univ. Bordeaux 1, France), Nikolay Kolachevsky (Lebedev Physical Inst., Russia)
Topics include, but are not limited to, fundamentals of ultrafast nonlinear processes and ultrafast spectroscopy in physics, chemistry, and biology; coherent control using femtosecond pulses; ultrafast microscopic techniques; electro-optic sampling; femtochemistry; ultrafast x-ray experiments; attosecond phenomena; carrier-envelope phase control and frequency comb techniques with applications to precise spectral and temporal measurements; quantum limits in optical measurements; precision measurement and metrology with cold atoms or ions; optical frequency standards; precision interferometry and spectroscopy, novel methods of laser spectroscopy, tests of fundamental symmetries, definition of basic units, and the constancy of fundamental constants.
9. ICONO Symposium: Femtosecond Laser Pulse Filamentation
Co-Chairs: Sea Leang Chin (Laval Univ., Canada), Olga Kosareva (Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia)
Topics include, but are not limited to, filamentation in solids and gases; nonlinear optics of filaments; pulse self-compression in filaments; modulation instability in filaments; long-range filamentation in atmosphere; filament-induced spectroscopy; white-light-fs-LIDAR. Filament diagnostics of pollution; filament discharge control.
10. ICONO Symposium: Organic Photovoltaics
Co-Chairs: Dmitry Paraschuk (Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia), Maxim Pshenichnikov (Univ. of Groningen, the Netherlands)
The Symposium will present and discuss the most recent developments, perspectives, and advanced concepts in organic and hybrid photovoltaics. The Symposium strongly encourages presentation of oral as well as poster contributions from scientists from all over the world.
11. Joint ICONO/LAT Symposium on THz Optics and Technologies
Co-Chairs: Alexander Shkurinov (Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia), Xi-Сheng Zhang (Hiuazhong Univ. of Science and Technology, China/Univ. of Rochester, USA)
Topics include, but are not limited to, sources, detector, components, and systems working in the far-infrared region of the spectrum (in the range of 300 GHz to 10 THz), including ultrafast time-domain systems, direct generation using pulsed lasers, and cw generation based on nonlinear optical mixing; applications using THz radiation for spectroscopy, sensing, and imaging, including the physical and life sciences application; advances in THz communications concepts and systems; new THz measurement techniques and instrumentation, including advances in imaging configurations, detector technologies, and THz optical components and waveguides; nonlinear THz phenomena, and THz optical measurements using surface plasmons, near-field effects, photonic crystals and metamaterials, and nonlinear optics.
LAT 2013 Topics
1. Solid-State Lasers, Materials and Applications
Co-Chairs: Boris Denker (Prokhorov General Physics Inst., Russia), Klaus Petermann (Hamburg Univ., Germany)
Topics are focused on R&D of new type of solid-state lasers (including fiber lasers); applications of SSL; new active, passive and nonlinear materials of SSL.
2. High-Power Lasers and Applications
Co-Chairs: Sergei Garanin (Russian Federal Nuclear Ctr., Russia), Mike Dunne (Laser Fusion Energy, LLNL, USA)
Topics include, but are not limited to, laser systems for Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF); ICF experimental and theoretical results; modern concepts, designs and technologies for prospective high-power lasers; high-power high-energy lasers of ultra-short pulses; high-power gas and solid-state lasers; high-efficient diode pumping systems for high-power lasers; methods and devices for high-power laser beams diagnostics; experimental methods for laser plasma diagnostics; adaptive and nonlinear optics instrumentation for generation of high-power laser beams.
3. Laser Remote Sensing and Tunable Diode Laser spectroscopy
Co-Chairs: Vladislav Mikhalevich (Prokhorov General Physics Inst., Russia), Marcus Sigrist (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Arlan Mantz (Connecticut College, USA)
Topics include, but are not limited to, different laser techniques and applications for remote sensing of environmental objects and phenomena; new spectroscopic approaches for environmental applications; short laser pulse ranging; novel methods for soil and water surface characterization; laser induced plasma spectroscopy for chemical analysis of environmental objects.
4. Diffractive Optics and Nanophotonics
Co-Chairs: Viktor Soifer (Image Processing Systems Inst., Russia), Guofan Jin (Tsinghua Univ., China)
Topics include, but are not limited to, lasers for data processing; optical computing; design of DOE-based optical systems; optical filters; diffractive optics for the X-ray, IR and THz range; structured waveguides; diffraction gratings; plasmonics; photonic crystal devices; nanocavities; subwavelength focusing of light; high resolution imaging; beam shaping; beam propagation; optical vortices; polarization singularities; optical sensing; micromanipulation; LEDs and light extraction; non-imaging optics for lighting applications; diffractive optics technology and materials; optical metamaterials; numerical solution of diffraction problems.
5. Ultra-Fast Diagnostics in Laser Research
Co-Chairs: Mikhail Schelev (Prokhorov General Physics Inst., RAS, Russia), D. Bowley (Specialized Imaging Ltd., Bovingdon, UK)
Topics include, but are not limited to high-speed imaging & videography, CCD techniques, diagnostics and applications; pump-probe techniques; ultrafast spectroscopy, interferometry and holography; high-speed cameras, streak tubes, sensors and circuits; X-ray, visible and near IR image-tube high-speed photography; image processing, data analysis and visualization; computer modeling in charge particle imaging; application of laser-oriented high-speed instrumentation in biophysics, medicine, detonics, ballistics, impact, shook-waves investigation, flow visualization, plasma and laser fusion imaging, high-energy physics, airspace research, sport science.
6. Advances in Electro/Magneto-Optics
Co-Chairs: Alexander Sigov (Inst. of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation, Russia), James F. Scott (Cambridge Univ., UK)
Topics include, but are not limited to, bulk, thin films, multilayer structure, photonic crystals; electro/ magneto-optical activity, electro/magneto-optic effects; high-speed and wide-gap electro/magneto-optical materials; nonlinear magneto- and electro-optics; ultrafast processes in electro/magneto-optical materials.
7. Biophotonics and Laser Biomedicine
Co-Chairs: Valery Tuchin (Saratov State Univ., Russia), Boris Chichkov (Laser Zentrum Hannover, Germany)
Papers are solicited on photonics technologies for biology and medicine, including diffusion, fluorescence, polarization, and nonlinear spectroscopies, OCT, Doppler, speckles, photoacoustics, and nanophotonics applied for estimation, monitoring, imaging and/or controlling of microcirculation, brain functioning, diffusion of metabolic and exogenous agents and nanoparticles in tissues, glucose sensing, engineered tissues and organs, and etc. Laser- and photo-therapies of various diseases also will be discussed: low-intensity laser therapy, PDT, photothermal therapy mediated by endogenous and exogenous chromophores and nanoparticles, as well as theranostic technologies. Applications of lasers in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine will be addressed. Adaptive coherent optical systems for medicine and novel medical systems for laser therapy and surgery with a feed-back control will be considered.
8. Fiber optics
Co-Chairs: Eugeny Dianov (Fiber Optics Research Ctr., Russia), Peter Kazansky (Univ. of Southampton, Southampton, UK)
Topics include fiber lasers and amplifiers, active optical sensing, nonlinear phenomena in fibers, new materials and structures of optical fibers, fibers for mid-IR radiation