Guidelines for Paper Submission
Modes of Presentation
The program committee will schedule both oral and poster sessions. The abstract and summary of both oral and poster papers are published in the same manner in the Conference Program and the Technical Digest on CD-ROM. On the electronic submission form, all authors will be asked for their presentation format preference.
Please note: The presentation types for postdeadline sessions are oral only. The times for these presentations are shorter than 15 minutes, and will be specified in the author's notification letter.
Oral Sessions
The presentation times for oral sessions are as follows: contributed presentations are 15 minutes each, invited talks are 30 minutes. Each presentation will break for questions during the last 2–3 minutes.
Poster Sessions
Poster sessions are scheduled to provide an opportunity for selected papers to be presented in greater visual detail and should facilitate vivid discussions with attendees. For poster sessions, authors are provided with bulletin boards on which to display their papers, along with a sign indicating their paper numbers, and push–pins or adhesive tape. Presenters should display paper titles, lists of authors and author affiliations on their posters. Authors must remain in the vicinity of their bulletin boards for the duration of the session to answer questions. Note that poster presenters are not supplied with any audiovisual equipment. Those requiring such equipment should refrain from requesting the poster only or poster preferred formats on the submission form.
Paper Preparation
Please note that papers submitted for ICONO/LAT 2013 must be in PDF format.
If you have any questions regarding the paper preparation process, please contact us at
A completed electronic submission is due prior to the published deadline. A complete submission will include the following:
•35-word Abstract: Your abstract should be a brief summary of your paper topic. If your paper is accepted, your 35-word abstract will be included in the Conference Program and the Technical Digest on CD-ROM.
•2-Page Paper: Your 2-page paper should be a summary of your work and will be reproduced directly from the material submitted for the Technical Digest CD-ROM. The style guide provides a visual representation of the paper format. The summary should not exceed two pages and must be typed with the page layout set to A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm) with one-inch (2.54 cm) margins on all sides. Within two pages, the author must include all text, including the title, authors, 35-word abstract, equations, drawings, tables, photographs, figures and references. The text may be typed either single or double spaced.
•The title of the talk and the primary author's name, affiliation, address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address must appear on the first page with all additional authors and their affiliations. The 35-word abstract should be repeated in the summary. Refrain from the use of asterisks, acknowledgments, job descriptions or footnotes. Cite references at the end of the summary.
•Presentation Preference: The options for this conference are oral only, oral preferred, poster only and poster preferred.
Adherence to the instructions for preparation of the abstract and summary is imperative. Emailed or faxed submissions will not be accommodated. Failure to complete any of the preceding requirements may result in the rejection of a paper. Registration and submission for Technical Sessions is open to all members of the scientific and technical community. It is incumbent on the authors to obtain appropriate approval to present their work to this international forum.
Peer Review
This meeting contains high-quality submissions that undergo a peer-review conducted by the members of the Technical Program Committee. The results of the peer review translate into paper selections and topic-driven technical sessions for this conference. Results from that meeting will be sent via email to all authors. If a paper is accepted, the summary, including illustrations, will be reproduced directly from the material submitted by the author(s) and will be published in the Technical Digest CD-ROM.
Style Guide
This style guide is a reference for all submitting authors.
Download Meetings-Style-Guide.pdf
You will need Adobe Acrobat to download this file. If you don't have this software yet, you may download it for free at the Adobe website.
Please make sure that your paper does not contain non-English font packages (for example, Japanese, Korean, or Chinese fonts, etc.) in the body of your paper summary, as well as in all figures and tables. Characters in these fonts cannot be seen by reviewers. In the past, we have had particular trouble with MS-PGothic, MS-Gothic and MS-Mincho.
Notification emails are sent to the primary author (as noted during the electronic submission). Notifications will be sent in the beginning of April 2013.